Friday, August 30, 2019

2018-2019 Warrens Cranberry Festival Royalty August Update

Royal Greetings!

We are excited to share the latest events we have attended since last month.

On July 30th we attended the Miss Jackson County Pageant at the Black River Falls Lunda Theatre. The evening started out with a royalty tea and social hour followed by the coronation ceremonies. The evening was fun and exciting, and the newly crowned Miss Jackson County is Paris Prochaska.

On August 2nd we took our float to the Wilton Wood Turtle Days Parade. It was a beautiful day, but very hot. We took pictures with other royalty before the parade. It was nice to do a local parade, travel time was short, and we saw a lot of familiar faces.

Wednesday August 7th we left in the afternoon and traveled to West Allis Wisconsin for the Wisconsin State Fair. We got up bright and early Thursday morning and carried everything in for our food demos, which are done on stage before an audience. Afterwards we walked through the Expo Center and used our Bargain Books to buy everything from cookie dough to alligator meat. We walked over and watched the Kid’s From Wisconsin Show. We even got a picture taken with Alex Knoepker, one of our local college students who is helping direct the group this summer. We rode the skylift across the fairgrounds to the other side where we
Had a fun time going on all the rides. We enjoyed the hotel pool that night and got up early the next day to do our final food demos. After the demos we rode the giant ferris wheel and checked out the animal barns. We ended our day watching pig races and the draft horse show. We had a really awesome time at the State Fair.

On August 14th Princesses Sierra and Kendall attended the WSCGA Summer Field Day on the DuBay Cranberry Marsh by Junction City, WI. We had our picture taken with Senator Patrick Testin, many Warrens exhibitors, and Jim Peterson, President of the museum in Warrens. A delicious lunch was served. We were introduced at the annual meeting of the WSCGA and talked about our activities and also invited everyone to our Festival in September. It was a very enjoyable day on the marsh.

We hope you enjoyed our adventures as much as we have!

Yours Truly,

2018-2019 Warrens Cranberry Festival Royalty
Queen: Cassie Carlson and Princesses: Kendall Murdock and Sierra Steele

Future Events:  Hillsboro Labor Day Parade, Cashton Fall Fest, and Oktoberfest Parade.

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